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Balance Bike Skills Park: Now Open

July 14, 2020

Angel Fire Family Resort’s latest attraction is the Balance Bike Skills Park, located at the base of the mountain. With views of the impressive Angel Fire Bike Park, the new Balance Bike Skills Park will inspire the next generation of mountain bikers. 

balance bike

The new Balance Bike Skills Park will inspire the next generation of mountain bikers.

A Skills Park For The Littles

Built over a period of weeks by Events & Activities Manager Kateland Gonzales, the Balance Bike Skills Park incorporates several features that challenge the youngest riders, while instilling the confidence to “send it!”  While the park is open to riders of all ages, Gozales envisioned the park as an activity the family can enjoy together.

“I see a lot of families at the resort where mom and the kids are just hanging out in the base area while dad is trying to ‘send it’ in the big park, so I thought it would be a great space and activity for moms and kids to enjoy what dad does but on a more accessible scale,” Gonzales said. “We’re planting the seeds for families to enjoy this sport together.”

The Balance Bike Skills Park has eight obstacles and features two skinnies, a platform with ramps, speed bumps, a piano key bridge, dirt and wooden rollers as well as an up-down ramp. Gonzales said individuals from the Bike Patrol and Marketing department were instrumental in the implementation and construction of the course. When it comes to the future of the park, the sky’s the limit.

“This is just the beginning,” Gonzales added. “I’m looking forward to building more features, and laying down more dirt and road base to create a more permanent feel to the park.”

Big Potential, Little Bikes

Although the park is currently located at the base, Gonzales has big plans for race weekends and future festivals. Her goal is to collaborate with sponsors like Burley or Strider to hold events and world cup races for kiddos. 

“The obstacles are mobile, we can take them right out of the park and set them up on the pavement or anywhere,” she said. “We have flags and cones to set up the course and then we’d do a little balance bike boogie race.”

The Balance Bike Skills Park is free to ride and open daily from 9 AM – 4 PM and will be open all season until the closing day of Angel Fire Bike Park on November 1, 2020.

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