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World Championship Shovel Races

February 2, 2018 - February 3, 2018

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shovel races

2018 Shovel Race Results:

Little Scoops
Bib # First Name Last Name Racer Category: run 1 run 2
23 JACKSON FITCH little scoops 25.925 18.788 1
78 Charles Thompson little scoops 20.276 26.667 2
79 Ethan Eppler little scoops 27.22 22.564 3
47 MARK BOUTELLE little scoops 37.762 40.883
75 Barret Noble little scoops 25.696 23.855
57 CAEDMON BROWN little scoops na
Bib # First Name Last Name Racer Category: run 1 run 2
35 WYATT BREAULT youth 15.324 15.993 1
43 ELLISON HENSLEY youth 15.516 15.959 2
3 RYAN PIRNIE youth 16.36 16.001 3
58 AIDEN ELLINGTON youth 29.782 DNF
77 Laynera Sewell Youth 26.446 21.322
60 GAVIN BROWN youth 24.266 25.702
73 Maryn Noble Youth 23.895 19.513
12 DYLAN ATZBERGER youth 23.482 20.946
15 NOELLE COMTOIS youth 21.261 21.003
21 ANDERSON GRASSMICK youth 20.954 19.061
93 Nadia Hicks Youth 17.414 18.484
6 CARSON HARVEY Youth 16.019 16.153
71 Anna Rodgers Youth dnf dnf
Bib # First Name Last Name Racer Category: run 1 run 2
40 TREY TIBLJAS junior 15.824 16.345 1
38 ISSAC WHITE Junior 16.538 17.383 2
11 SLADE ATZBERGER Junior 18.296 19.441 3
80 Jeremiah Martinez Junior 46.863 50.41
81 Samantha Martinez Junior 26.215 25.229
Master Men
Bib # First Name Last Name Racer Category: Run 1 Run 2
4 LEE PIRNIE Master Mens 14.836 15.670 1
36 JEFFREY BREAULT Master Mens 16.229 17.442 2
34 CURTIS WEED Master Mens 16.479 17.175 3
94 Greg Shirley Master Mens 24.843 DNS
37 RON FREEMAN Master Mens 18.439 17.488
18 ROBERT ESTRADA Master Mens 18.368 18.542
9 DAVID CINGO Master Mens 18.263 17.949
27 KEVIN MILUSZUSKY Master Mens 18.159 18.996
24 BOBBY CRABTREE Master Mens 36.871 33.621
Open Women
Bib # First Name Last Name Racer Category: Run 1 Run 2
29 ELLIE WHITE Open Women 15.835 16.201 1
10 KAREN TURNMIRE Open Women 17.234 16.048 2
61 Susan Gaffney Open Women 17.313 18.313 3
88 Megan Mitchell Open Women 39.338 22.431
5 DUSTI HARVEY Open Women 37.02 29.866
87 Adriane Reynolds Open Women 18.344 17.335
16 KRISTINA GORMAN Open Women DNF 20.793
Open Men
Bib # First Name Last Name Racer Category: Run 1 Run 2
65 Alan Merritt Open Men DNS DNS
53 CHRIS KIRCHER open men 15.006 15.246 1
8 DAVID SCHOEPFLE open men 15.546 15.988 2
44 TANER TIBLJAS open men 15.671 16.756 3
84 Hunter Allen Open Men 1.01.335 DNF
91 Ryan Valdez Open Men 27.104 23.871
68 Frank Dominic Romiti Open Men 23.794 20.802
49 NATHANIEL BEAR open men 21.382 17.696
32 KEVIN WRIGHT open men 19.489 16.568
28 ALEJANDRO CASAREZ open men 19.32 18.926
67 Tim Dumler Open Men 19.166 20.082
69 Ross Winningham Open Men 19.112 18.563
89 Daniel (HAWK) Jacquez Open Men 19.101 17.242
25 COREY DODD open men 18.345 16.759
92 Monja Steve Open Men 17.957 18.060
82 Anothony Martinez Open Men 17.770 DNS
74 Branum Noble Open Men 17.090 17.430
31 BRYSON CURTIS open men 17.035 17.543
63 JFC Open Men 16.914 17.183
30 GAREN CURTIS open men 16.909 15.867
41 LUCAS KANDEFER open men 16.179 16.167
46 MARC i open men 16.162 16.155
14 ZAC WINNINGHAM open men 16.131 15.951
90 Samuel Jacquez Open Men 15.766 16.014
Pro Women
Bib # First Name Last Name Racer Category: run 1 speed run 2 speed
2 NADIA GONZALES pro women 15.935 60 15.532 60 1
20 AMY MANN Pro Women 16.36 55 17.054 53 2
48 EMMA THORPE pro women 16.874 53 17.561 51 3
Pro Men
Bib # First Name Last Name Racer Category: run 1 speed run 2 speed
17 JEFF HAMBLIN pro men 14.453 61 15.461 58 1
42 JUSTIN GONZALES pro men 15.035 62 15.299 59 2
19 SEVERINO GONZALES pro men 15.099 59 15.9 56 3
26 ANDY BELCHER pro men 41.706 22 28.808 30
70 PETER RIDINGS pro men 16.781 52 17.018 52
86 Gary Paul Moore Men Pro 15.885 58 16.161 58
45 ROB TIBLJAS pro men 15.223 59 15.651 57
33 THOMAS SLIVAN pro men 15.214 58 15.811 58
7 JACK HAYDEN pro men 15.116 60 16.321 55



Join us for a fun-filled weekend of high-speed shovel racing. The Angel Fire Resort shovel races even made Jettsetter’s list of 11 Craziest Winter Adventures and Men’s Journal as a World Championships You Can Win!

If you don’t want to jump on a shovel and race down the mountain, this event is still a must-attend while in Angel Fire! Party like a local and watch the races unfold while you enjoy a few drinks at the cash bar. After the races, stick around for live music & the Awards Ceremony in The Village Haus.

Pre Register here and receive a complimentary shirt with your entry fee.


Friday, February 2 | Practice & Registration Day  

12-4 pm | Registration, Village Haus & Practice for Registered Competitors, Exhibition

5 pm | Racer’s Meeting Village Haus [Mandatory for 1st Time Shovel Racers.]

Saturday, February 3 | Late Registration & Race Day 

8-9 am ‹ Late Registration, Village Haus

9:30 am ‹ Racing starts, Exhibition

Race Day Schedule 
9:30 am LITTLE SCOOPS First Run
9:45 am LITTLE SCOOPS Second Run
10 am WOMEN IN MEDIA First Run
10:45 am YOUTH (10-13 years) First Run
11 am JUNIOR (14-17 years) First Run
11:15 am YOUTH (10-13 years) Second Run
11:30 am JUNIOR (14-17 years) Second Run
12:45 pm ADULT WOMEN PRO First Run
1 pm ADULT MEN PRO First Run
1:15 pm ADULT WOMEN PRO Second Run
1:30 pm ADULT MEN PRO Second Run
1:45 pm ADULT WOMEN First Run
2 pm ADULT MEN First Run
2:15 pm ADULT MASTERS First Run
2:30 pm ADULT WOMEN Second Run
2:45 pm ADULT MEN Second Run
3 pm ADULT MASTERS Second Run

5-8 pm |  After Party & Awards Ceremony with Music by Jimmy Stadler , Village Haus



(Includes Free T-Shirt)

Onsite Friday

Onsite Saturday

Practice Run

(first timers any age)




Little Scoops

(ages 6-9 years)





(ages 10-13 years)





(ages 14-17 years)




Open Women

(ages 18+)




Open Men

(ages 18-44 years)




Master Men

(ages 45+)




Pro Women

(ages 18+)




Pro Men

(ages 18+)




*with Purchase of Lift Ticket or Member/Season Pass Lift Access


Racers can only compete in their age category.
Production shovels only, no modifieds.

All racers must have a lift ticket or season/membership pass to access lift #2.
Lift tickets to access lift #2 and will be sold at registration for $10.
Everyone will be required to sign a release. Releases will be available during registration.
Angel Fire Resort will have a very limited number of shovels for use so it is recommended that all racers bring their own shovels. Helmets and eye protection are required, but will not be supplied by Angel Fire Resort. However, they can be rented or purchased at Slopeside Sports, the base area ski rental shop or Winter Sports near The Lodge
You must be wearing a bib to be on-course. No exceptions.
The practice course is free, but you must sign a release and show your wrist band and wear a helmet and eye protection.
Racers must check in with the Start Official at least 15 minutes prior to their start time. All Racers (with the exception of Little Scoops) will be seeded randomly for their first run and seeded by time (slowest time first ­ fastest time last) for their second run. If a racer is not present for their age category time slot, they will not be allowed to race that run and will be given a DNS, Did Not Start.

1. No physical alterations are allowed to the running surface of the grain scoops (shovels) other than the application of wax or similar type substance to the underside or bottom of the scoop. You may adhere tape or other similar materials to the handle of the shovel to make it easier to grip. You may paint the seat of the grain scoop but no traction aiding substance is allowed. Plastic shovels not allowed.

2. Barging the start gate constitutes a false start. First false start in a heat is a warning, the second false start in a heat is a disqualification.

3. If a racer is not in contact with their shovel upon crossing the finish line, that racer will receive a DNF (did not finish) for that run. Should a racer lose complete contact with their shovel during a run, they will receive a DNF for that run and will be required to immediately move laterally off the course.
4. Protests can only be made by the competitor immediately following the completion of their run, before leaving finish area. Protests will only be accepted at the main scoreboard. All protests must include a $20 fee. This fee will be refunded to the competitor if the Judging and Inspection Committee deems the protest valid. If not, the money will not be refunded.

Finish Times: The time elapsed from the start to the finish will be electronically measured and recorded to .001 second when the competitor, sitting in/on the scoop of the shovel passes through the designated finish line.

Ties: The fastest two-run combined times will be the winner.

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